In the wee hours of the morning, the start of the lunar eclipse.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Night visions
In the wee hours of the morning, the start of the lunar eclipse.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Loons and Herons

This morning, at about 4:30 a.m., I heard the loons kicking up a huge racket, and was worried that something was raiding the nest. They've been on the nest for about 3 weeks or more, we're hoping that any day now we'll see chicks. I paddled down the lake at about 7:00 a.m. in my kayak, and cruised by from about 40 feet away to check if there were still eggs. I was happy to see one of the loons on the nest, glaring at me. I took a few quick shots and kept on going. Last year's nest was raided by either racoons or coyotes or the otters, we're hoping they'll be successful this year.

Thursday, June 14, 2007
Turtles and Ichneumon Wasp

Monday, June 11, 2007
Black Rat Snakes

Saturday, June 9, 2007
Hummingbird Nest
Friday, June 8, 2007
Catching up: Hare from May 17th, 2007

After filling its belly, it hopped up to the patio, and had a good stretch and scratch. You can see in the second picture that the last of the winter white is shedding off. I've had to plant my salvia plants up out of reach this year, last year bunny took the whole row off. Hogged the salad and didn't leave any for the hummingbirds. In the past three weeks we've seen the hare (s?) racing about over the lawns. One morning I stood still and watched, it raced back and forth, twice it came within 5 feet of me. At one point it encountered a rock wall, stopped, looked around and made about a 7 foot leap straight up and hit the ground running. Quite entertaining watching him race about.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Which way to the beach?

The snake was medium to large sized, the perch about 7 inches long. It doesn't seem to matter if a fish has been dead for a while, I've seen watersnakes scavanging some stinky old fish carcass that's been around for a while, which makes me think of them as a handy little cleanup crew. I had work to do, so couldn't hang around to see the snake finish this meal.
As I continued raking, I was about halfway across the beach and after one of the swipes with the rake I spotted a tiny turtle hatchling in the sand when I removed its covering. I put some wet sand in one of the toy beach buckets and placed it in there to keep it safe til I was finished, and after a couple minutes, discovered a second one. I had already scooped a couple piles of debris with the fork and dumped it on the hillside beside the beach, and worried that I may have scooped a hatchling along with it, so after pl

Other notes from yesterday: Treefrogs were trilling here and there all day long, and then last night the big chorus was in full swing. There's still a bunch of peepers calling. A great horned owl was calling, I hooted back a couple of times and got it going. The lilacs and lily of the valley are just coming into bloom, I'll be watching for butterflies. There are about 5 bass on their nests that I've found, another job yesterday was roping off an area by the dock so that no one would wade in and trample the nest that a 10-inch bass has in the shallows. Over from my dock there's a bass about 14 inches long that has been hovering over his nest, I got a few dew worms to throw to him, he quickly gobbled them down. I've read that bass will not eat while nesting, but I've never found this to be true here. Our bass are little gluttons, and will gladly partake of any edible tidbit I throw to them. I'll have to gather some worms today and toss them to these guys, keep their strength up for driving off sunfish and perch. Although, I've noticed that with the Big Guy smaller fish keep their distance, I have yet to see a sunfish come within 5 feet of his nest, his sheer size keeps them away.
It's cloudy and windstill this morning, I should get the camera out. There are downy yellow violets in bloom, and the trilliums are turning pink. There's a couple of small shagbark hickory trees with the leaves coming out, still brownish red. One of my favourite plant observations in spring is watching the hickory buds open, and the bracts coming out and spreading. So many things to see this time of year, and so little time!
Friday, May 18, 2007

Doing a bit of "catch-up" here, from May 10th. We had some trilliums that were right in the middle of pathways and work areas, in real danger of being trampled, so I decided to transplant those to safer areas where they could grow in peace, and where we could enjoy seeing them more readily. There were what I thought were two large ones growing closely together, but when I went to put them in their new place, some of the dirt fell off the root and I discovered that the two were actually the same plant. I took a couple quick shots before transplanting.
I'll make a note that all transplants were successful, within a couple days the flowers had perked up and look to be healthy.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Ring Neck Snake