It seems the highlight of my day today was finding this lovely little ring-necked snake under a board. After it had slithered back and forth through my fingers a few minutes, it finally held still long enough for me to snap a few pictures before releasing it back to its board. Twas cool and cloudy today, about 50F, so not as many little wigglers out and about today. Yesterday while I installed clothes lines there were 3 or 4 garter snakes out and about.
Spring is in full bloom, the trilliums are at their peak and even starting to turn pink. The Dutchman's breeches are fading, gone to seed and the leaves turning yellow. Hepaticas are hard to find now, most are done blooming. The early saxifrage is blooming, as are the tiny wild forget-me-nots. The columbines are getting red, and the early meadow rue is blooming. I need to check the prickly ash again, the one behind the garage was just starting to turn yellow yesterday. The leaves on the beech and birch are about half grown. In the past few days I've seen 2 blue spotted salamanders, the big one Dad rescued from the garage, he found it while sweeping.
Okay, enough for my first blog post/test, let's see how this thing works.
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