Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Excuse me, WHAT kind of potatoes???

Sometimes when you read some pretentious nonsense on the side of a package your really have to laugh out loud. This time it was on the side of a small bag of potato chips. I LOVE potato chips. Bought a small bag because I will sit and munch non-stop on the largest family size bag of potato chips you can buy. An open bag is an empty bag. Anyway, I digress... Having enjoyed my small bag of ketchup potato chips I got to wondering what kind of spices they use to get the ketchup flavour, so started reading the list of ingredients. Now, the main ingredients are always listed first, and you can usually assume that the main ingredients in a bag of potato chips are: (insert *drum roll* ) potatoes. In THIS bag, however, we didn't have just any old potatoes. Noooo...these were "specially selected" potatoes. Not red potatoes, not Irish white potatoes, not PEI potatoes, not sweet potatoes, not yellow potatoes.... "specially selected" potatoes. I'm picturing some bespeckled guy in a white lab coat and boots, clipboard in hand, pen clutched firmly in other hand, as he steps between the furrows of a freshly plowed field specially selecting the potatoes. Just warms the cockles of my heart, and the digestion of my belly, to know that I have just eaten specially selected potatoes.

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