This is how this dog sleeps. Honestly. Sometimes she rolls up against me on the bed, I wake up, all I see is feet in the air. Finally managed to grab the camera in time to catch her in the act.

I think it's obvious that Orion is my favourite constellation. While the rest of world, my dog included, were sleeping, I got up just after moonset this morning and got out the camera and tracker, knowing that this would be the last chance to photograph stars in a dark moonless sky for a while. This was the night of the Droconid meteor shower, but with the nearly full moon and the shower peaking on the other side of planet, no Draconids were seen. (I was out a couple times just after dark to check.) There is, however, a minor meteor shower, the Arietids, originating from Aries/Taurus, and I did see a few that were probably those. Lovely to the eye, too dim to show up in the photographs, in spite of high IS0 and wide apertures.

At least it was a mild night, we've been enjoying sunny warm weather this past week. There were a couple of firefly larvae lighting up lime green in the grass near my feet.
I had forgotton to put the slip of paper in my pocket that listed the time the ISS was coming over, and of course had the camera pointed in the other direction. Fortunately I looked around in time to see it coming, so didn't miss it entirely.
*sigh* The full moon is coming around, and by Wednesday we're supposed to get another rainy spell for a few days. Hopefully there will be some breaks in the clouds during the night, lovely to see the moon shining through, lighting up the clouds and reflecting in the water.