Last night it looked like we may have been getting another good sunset, and I ran out to the back field, but it fizzled out by the time I got there. The geese have been coming over at dusk by the hundreds to settle in for the night on the marsh to the northwest. There was a strong wind blowing, and the entertainment began. As the geese came from the south and southeast in their V formations, and then lowered altitude towards the marsh, every now and then a sharp gust of wind would hit them. There were near collisions, geese getting flipped over, their tidy V formations suddenly being thrown into a jumble of birds that looked like a flock of drunken crows. I tried to photograph some of them, only got a few out-of-focus shots with the short lens and poor light, but here's a couple that show what a struggle the poor birds had in that wind. I am amazed at how quickly they managed to recover from being knocked around in the gusts.

One bird here got flipped right over.
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