I was pleasantly surprised today to find a monarch butterfly. 'Tis a bit late in the season, they all should be well south of here. Was a nice warm sunny day for this last week of October, although breezy. At least the big "weather bomb" that hit the midwest U.S., southern Ontario and southeast U.S. brushed by us last night, we just got a bit of rain and wind. Nevertheless we headed out to the lake to check on things, I had to paddle down the lake and open up the dam, water level was getting high again. I saw a few dozen meadowhawk dragonflies, the last dragonflies of the season that hang on until brutal cold and frost is finally too much for them. There was one big darner near the dumpster, flying too high and fast for me to get a bead on it. At the roadside pond painted turtles were basking on the logs. A water snake was curled up in the sun by the steps to the trailerpark area, until I came down and it wiggled away. Frogs were still numerous along the shoreline. I would have liked to have explored a bit this afternoon to see what else was still out and about but I was just too tired from lack of sleep last night and fighting the wind paddling down the lake. Seeing the monarch made my day. We were driving home and this big butterfly was winging along in front of us, I thought it was a mourning cloak until we got close and I saw the orange, so I stopped, grabbed my camera and leaped out of the truck to get a few shots. Was supposed to be clear tonight with "a few clouds", I had hoped to get out the camera and try some star trail shots, but those few clouds turned into dense overcast with a gale force wind. Hope my butterfly is holed up somewhere until it can flutter south.