Wednesday, August 18, 2010


We're in a phase of waxing moon, my dark skies and stars are going to have to wait for a while. I was hoping to get the camera adapter to set up the scope, but forgot to take the camera with me to the photo store, so that will have to wait for another week.

So...if you don't get dark skies, enjoy what you have. Some clouds came in over the moon, reflected on the still waters of the lake this makes a pretty sight. First shot was taken with the lens that I had, the kit lens 18-55mm, only opens up to f 5.6. I was wanting a more light-sensitve lens, bought me a 50mm f 1.8, the second shot was taken with that one. Picks up starlight very nicely, only drawback is that it doesn't cover much sky. The wide angle lens that I've been drooling over is way out of my price range at the moment. Next project is to build a "barn door tracker", see if I can get some shots of the milky way.

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