Some strange blob-like fungi hanging from a sugar maple tree. The largest blob was about 2.5 inches long, they were hard and smooth to the touch.
UPDATE June 22, 2008
I went back to re-examine the blob, and took some more pictures. It has progressed to feeling like a dry leathery skin, now dimpling when touched, and it's "poofing" out light-gray spores.
June 24, 2008
Thanks to Chris who sent the query out to his "network" word has come back that this may be
a slime mould, Lycogala flavofuscum. (*Since I don't know how folks feel about their full names being mentioned on blogs, I sent out my thankyous by email.) This has been another little "discovery" episode, and I'll be keeping eyes peeled for more unusual fungi in the future. Now to find me someone who's had practise with these Latin names so I can hear a pronunciation.
June 25 update: One more note, this is a PROTOZOAN, not a fungus. Just one more thing to rattle my amateur brain.
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